Kara Dee Harrison - 13b Commercial St - Gallery Merrick

Kara is a tattoo artist, illustrator, and painter. She enjoys assemblage painting featuring bright colours and gold accents. This Artwalk will include new paintings, cards, stickers, wooden magnets, and other handmade goods.

Follow Kara Dee Harrison on Facebook or Instagram.

Kara is a painter who enjoys incorporating collage and 3D elements into her pieces. An enthusiastic artist since high school, Kara attended Malaspina (now VIU) before spending two years apprenticing under local painter Richard Hoedl. She has worked in acrylic, oil, ink, and charcoal. Her assemblage work is heavily influenced by Grant Leier, but often include her favourite subjects, dinosaurs.  


Her paintings often feature bright contrasting colours, with turquoise and gold accents. She is currently working on a series involving local aquatic life, which will debut on the Art Walk. 


Kara recently began a tattoo apprenticeship with Nicholas McMaster, challenging herself to expand her scope of work, and learn to translate it to a new canvas, the human body.